Category: Exhibition
Dekonstruktive DialogeDekonstruktive Dialogeenglish version below 31.01.202520.00Doors 19.00h Dekonstruktive Dialogeenglish version below Ein abwechslungsreicher Abend voller Improvisation, Spontanität, Ausdruck und schrägem Zeug. Mit Bunn & Lundqvist, Primatsound und Portal K09 erwarten dich drei Formationen rund um den Synthetiker Generative Gig. Wandernd zwischen elektronischen und analogen Sphären, noisy, verheißungsvoll, wütend, versöhnlich. Primatsound:Wenn die Bäume sprechen könnten, was würden…
eat-girls“Area Silenzio is eat-girls’ debut album, and it’s both troubled and unsettling. For 3 years now, the trio have been crafting their songs like tiny inner worlds, with the patience and meticulousness of an entomologist – and traveling around France and Europe to see them come to life for a moment. It’s this back-and-forth that…
ZENITMoin, leider hat uns die Location am Eck kurzfristig abgesagt – Umso mehr freuen wir uns, dass das Kollektiv von Kultur im Bunker uns schnell und unkompliziert die Türen öffnet und uns möglich macht, in der Berliner Straße zu feiern. Danke dafür!Wer das Projekt Kultur im Bunker noch nicht kennt, kann sich gerne hier damit…
Prince Harvey & Ztratila se kocka16.12. – Prince Harvey & Ztratila se kocka – Door: 19:30 Prince Harvey is a queer NYC based artist, musician, and producer who’s flying specially for this tour to Europe, his hip hop, energy, rage and love on stage are fire and the best is for you to check it yourself: https://princeharvey.bandcamp.com Ztratila se kocka…
Tyranny of Silence x A.I.D19:00 Doors 20:00 Tyranny of Silence:(voice, electronics, performance) ** collective act 20:40 Claudia Medeiros X Chloë Janssens(electronics / impro) 21:20 Kıvanç Sert X Ian Nolan X Ap0teke(drum machine, guitar, bağlama / impro) 22:00 Dj set open deckTyranny of Silence x A.I.D Tyranny of Silence is a group of transdisciplinary artists from diverse countries and backgrounds,…
6.11.24Matrone + Jackson Pollock
06.11.Matrone & Jackson PollockStart 20.00 MatroneMatrone are Marta and RonZen. Yes only two people and so much noise. We also wonder sometimes…Matrone is a loud, heavy and grimed Sludge/hardcore Band, that also has a playful and melancholic side. Drum and Bass, midtemp beats, flamenco…all we like, we play.Based on Hamburg and born 2017.Talking about influences:…
Sonntag, 03.11. –> Kulturbunker KALTE HAND (Gloomy NDW Postpunk – Augsburg) CLAVV (Dark Occultpunk – Dresden) Doors 19:00Noise 20:00 More Infos:
30.10.2024FELIX-FLORIAN TÖDTLOFF + Aaron Samuel DavisAmbiente/Drone + Voice/Performance FELIX-FLORIAN TÖDTLOFFDer Berliner Experimentalmusiker Felix-Florian Tödtloff (ehemals Sferics) arrangiert elektrische Gitarre und Synthesizer zu Klangcollagen zwischen Minimal und Melancholie. Website: felixfloriantodtloff.comBandcamp: Aaron Samuel DavisDavis is a human who choreographs, performs, and teaches. Davis’ work is a combination of contemporary / post modern dance and theater. Aaron…
tschüsch kamerun & Gruppe BASS18.10., 8 pm, Kultur im Bunker, Berliner Str. 22c Gruppe BASS are Olaf Brockob-Voigt (elektronics & bass guitar) and Andreas Brüning (bass guitar & electronics). The free improvision duo from Hanover create acoustic moods, atmospheres and textures beyond traditional song structures and listening habits with the help of technical alienation and…
25.10.24Skardus + Drengskapur + Stiriah
HELL-MATO))) & HEAVY BREMEN present an incredible Black Metal BAND trio on tour coming from Berlin/Dresden & Kiel: Skardus (Black Metal)https://skardus.bandcamp.com Drengskapur (Black Metal)https://drengskapur.bandcamp.com Stiriah (Black Metal) Stiriah has the honor to share the stage with Drengskapur and Skardus! Bremen we look forward to bringing you chaos and ice for a second time! See you…
Saturday 12.10.24 – – – 20hKara Delik & Darbedarz Kara Delik is back at the Bunker! This Saturday with Darbedarz as the support act!💥💥 Kara DelikBerlin’s Anatolian, post-punk, new-wave group explodes with dynamic, poly-rhythmic psych-grooves, live energy, and a galactic panache for otherworldly effects. Founded in 2020, Kara Delik first exploded onto the Berlin scene…
5.10.2024PΞB + GUIP0 + OFFENSIVE DEFENCE (DJ SET)KULTUR IM BUNKERDoors:20:00 PΞB is a Berlin based duo by Ilia Gorovitz (drums and electronics) andobscure Berlin underground celebrity Asja Skrinik (vocals andelectronics) shouting, yelling and pushing buttons.Tricky drum loops form gripping scenes.No-language Rap screamed and whispered.Harsh noises cut the soundscapes into pieces.Too simple for the gifted, too…
Big BloodBIG BLOOD08.10.24DOOR: 20h Caleb Mukerin and Colleen Kinsella have been key personages of the Portland underground as members of the cosmically-shifting Cerberus Shoal and Fire on Fire (Young God Records), before forming the more personal and hermetic Big Blood back in 2006. The band’s multi-phasic discography has thus far reminded people of everything from Comus…
J Noetinger & dieb 13Jérôme Noetinger and dieb13 come from similar planets in the galaxy of experimental music. One grew up in the two-suns system named “reel to reel”, the other one has been revolving around a black hole called “vinyl record” for eons. Sononautics is their mode of exploring the universe. By catching and rearranging audio signals from…
21.09.24Obacht Schaltjahr with Conny Frischauf
GRAND OPENING: SA 21.09.24 — 20hBack from Summer Break Obacht Schaltjahr with Conny FrischaufThings around us are not what they seem to be. It is in this spirit that the artist guides us into her synaesthetic sound laboratory in which she acousmatically examines worldly phenomena as sonic events and combines them with delicate pop references.…